Actor Shreyas Talpade says, “Loha ko Loha hi kaatte hein” 


Manali experienced unexpected heavy rains and snowfall recently. This affected Director Mukesh Jadhav’s shoot for a psychological thriller began earlier this month in a spooky bungalow in Manali. The vehicles carrying the cast and crew got stuck in the mud at quite a distance from the sets leaving them with no other option but to walk through the muddy tracks. The shoot was slowed and the entire team had to manage the freezing outdoor temperatures.

Actor Shreyas Talpade says, “Initially, the recent cold wave was a welcome break but then it literally started reaching our bones. Doing anything became extremely difficult including shooting or even taking a bath. Someone had once told me that having a cold water bath is the best remedy for dealing with the cold. Loha ko Loha hi kaatta hein. So I did exactly that and was pleasantly surprised by the results.”

Shreyas Talpade and the rest of the star cast such as actors Makarand Deshpande, Rahul Dev, Shahbaz Khan, Malkhan and Australian actors Zenia Starr and Nicholas Brown, have been supportive and have even been shooting up until 4 am to cover up for the lost days.  The producer, Desert Rose Holdings, a UAE based investment company, is encouraging the cast and crew to keep up with their efforts in the difficult conditions.

Commenting on this situation from Manali, director Mukesh Jadhav says, “Everybody is getting cranky in these conditions. The actor’s moods are changing with the weather too. Sometimes it’s sunny, sometimes snowing and chilly and other times its a downpour. We are praying to the local goddess Hadimba to save us here!”

About the movie:

The movie is being directed by by Mukesh Jadhav and will be produced by Desert Rose Holdings Ltd., a UAE based investment company, in association with Motion Media Arts Pvt. Ltd..

The movie starts from the concept that a person’s image projected to the society and their real image expressed in the confines of dark solitude are entirely two different things. The film is a sensitive exploration of the darker side of female desire – a woman’s passionate essence is warped by her jealousy and her sense of being deprived. From her youthful rivalry and infidelities to her ultimate isolation and destructive path, we follow a woman’s journey to the edge as she desperately claims to outshine her own competition; a mirror image of herself.


The cast includes – Actor Shreyas Talpade, Makarad Deshpande, Rahul Dev, Shahbaz Khan, Australian Actors – Zenia Starr and Nicholas Brown.